Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) update

As the impact of COVID-19 continues in Australia, particularly on the eastern seaboard, Hygiene Concepts wants to assure our valuable clients both current and future that we take our role as an essential business very seriously and continue to offer to you the safest and most hygienic servicing of your washroom facilities.

Hygiene Concepts staff continue to follow the current guidelines of the Western Australian and Federal Governments and are fully trained on all safe practices when servicing your workplace.

All staff are practising the following guidelines:

·         Washing hands (thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds).

·         Hand sanitising (hand sanitiser is available in all company vehicles for continual application).

·         Covering mouths when coughing or sneezing and/or wearing face masks.

·         Avoiding touching their mouth, nose and eyes where possible.

·         Avoiding contact with people who are confirmed to have the virus or displaying signs of a respiratory infection.

·         Any staff that may be experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms (such as fever or respiratory systems such as coughing or a sore throat), we request that they do not attend work until they have been cleared by a doctor.


Influenza and COVID vaccinations:

We have actively encouraged vaccinations for both influenza and COVID-19 and are pleased that all staff at Hygiene Concepts understand the importance of keeping our fellow Western Australians safe.

All staff entering Aged Care Facilities will have available the appropriate evidence of immunisation status.

As always if you have any concerns relating to your services during this time, please contact us at 08 9248 5066 and one of our friendly staff will be happy to answer your query.

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How can we help your business?
Our friendly and experienced staff are ready to take your call on 08 9248 5066.

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