Air Fresheners

Automatic air spraying solutions

Automatic Air Fresheners

Our air fresheners are a low-maintenance and effective solution to eliminate odours in washroom areas, offering a clean and fresh environment for every visitor. 

Hygiene Concepts offers automatic air fresheners that neutralise stale air and unpleasant odours by dispensing a natural and organic fragrance of your choice.

Oxy-Gen Powered technology is a clean source of power, producing continuous levels of intense fragrance that contains no propellants, solvents or CFCs – just pure natural scent in a simple, easy to use system making them ideal for public areas and offers 24 hours of continuous operation.

Our dispensers are also fully programmable to your exact needs and are a subtle way to get rid of inevitable odours! We design the spray intervals to suit your environment and opening hours and service the air fresheners regularly to ensure they are always stocked and operating optimally.

Not only do our air fresheners keep your bathroom smelling pleasant, they significantly reduce contamination and lingering bacteria found in bathroom cubicles. A standard cubicle produces airborne bacteria which can easily spread across other areas. For a fully enhanced, safe and hygienic environment, we recommend your washroom is fully serviced with an adequate level of hygiene products, which our team can assist with and implement for your business.

Natural Insect Repellent

At Hygiene Concepts, we believe in delivering safety across all of our products, which is why our insect repellent spray uses natural ingredients. Pyrethrum, which also goes by its popular name, Chrysanthemum, is the main ingredient used in our insect repellant sprays, automatically dispensed for hassle-free insect control.

Our natural insect repellent is safe for humans and is highly effective in repelling flies and mosquitos. Our metered units are programmed to automatically deliver an odour-free, natural insect repellant with refills readily available.

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Our friendly and experienced staff are ready to take your call on 08 9248 5066.

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